your self-expression is my self-obsession.

Well hello!

You are probably wondering how I got here but if you're not I am going to tell you anyway.

Deep dive into childhood, I'm a 90s baby through and through, so much a millennial it hurts. I was born on a marine corps base in North Carolina where my two older brothers were already thriving. Yes, my mom and dad were both marines. So that naturally makes me pretty damn cool, I think. We grew up moving a lot, so I consider myself to be a USA mut, thus creating my loud, outgoing personality. I was the kid choreographing dances with my neighborhood friends in the basement, performing in my 6th and 7th-grade talent show dances to Usher. I knew I always had a knack for performing, loving getting my photo taken, center of attention if you will. Youngest and only girl problems, am I right?

After graduating high school in Oklahoma, I moved to NYC at 18 to pursue my dream of walking in the Victoria Secret Runway and be on the cover of Sports Illustrated and no one was going to stop me except you know, the agencies that didn't want to sign me. Not like today where being a social media mogul can get you a lot of fun jobs. Speaking of which, I have had MANY jobs throughout my 20s and as cliche as it sounds, my mom gifted me a canon camera for Christmas. I'm not kidding. That is how it all began. I wish I discovered it sooner but everything happens when it's suppose to, SO THEY SAY.

I picked up that camera instantly and started photographing models in 2019 and those front porch family photos during covid and the rest is history. I knew I had found my passion I could make a career, REALISTICALLY and I was a natural at directing people in front of the camera with my modeling background.

This led me into naturally progressing from models to senior portraits, families and now weddings. I thrive on photographing people. I love emotive imagery paired with an editorial and fashion-forward feel. I shoot across the board and have a way of bringing people out of their shells. I am here to create fresh photos for every individual client, meaning I want to gain your trust and hopefully push you outside your comfort zone to truly create knock-out images.

If you can appreciate what makes you YOU, the quirks and unique qualities/attributes, let's be friends and let me show you how beautiful those things can be.

outdoor family photos in black and white in traverse city michigan


I moved to Traverse City in 2021 with my angel babe, Oliver where we met my now boyfriend Jeremy with his great dane, Beau. I remember being so worried they wouldn't get along so we waited a while to introduce them and we had the converesation of, if our dogs don't get along is that it for us!? BUT Beau and Oliver instantly connected and were cuddling on the couch the second they met. Needless to say, Oliver never left that day, and neither did I. Whoops!

When we're not working and hanging with our boys, we are waking up early to start our days with a workout and usually traveling, visiting family since none of ours live here.